Friday, November 28, 2008

A Sad First Birthday

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was Elizabeth's First Birthday.  We were on our way to spend the day with my brother-in-law Vic and his family.  We turned onto route 17 from our road, when Neil let out a sound I just could not describe here.  I said; "What???" and he whispered: "Scooter".
Scooter, our beloved kitty, had not come home since Monday night.  Scooter was a hunter, and very occasionally would stay out at night despite our calling for him. We pulled over, and our faithful friend was on the side of the road, broken, hit by a car. I worried, briefly, through the week, with a day of non-stop rain, followed by the cold.  Scooter loved the outdoors, but he knew he could come in the house, warm up, have some milk, and go back out. 
Scooter loved milk.  We now buy whole milk for Lizzie, so Scooter was in heaven!  I had some hope for his return, as I had placed a half gallon of milk on the back deck, as it was cold enough to keep it out there, and Monday afternoon, I noticed the container on its side, with some spillage.  I just figured it fell over, so I placed it in the upright position against the back door. The next day, I saw the cap off, the container again on its side, but completely empty!  I peered at the cap and top of the plastic bottle, and saw teethmarks.  Scooter was fine!  He had gotten to the milk, and was sleeping it off in a neighbor's barn. Thought, "He'll be back for more milk!"  We called out for him each night, but just figured, "He's a survivor, he'll be back".
Scooter was a hunter, but also was a lover.  He loved stratchies, sleeping on the bed, jumping off early in the morning when Neil and I got up for breakfast.  He'd be waiting for us on the stool in the kitchen, like a trained lion, waiting patiently for his milk.  He was great with the baby.  He tolerated her babbling at him, patting him (not always so gently!)  He'd even investigate if he heard her crying downstairs; he'd come down, sit at my feet to make sure we were okay.
Scooter came into Neil and Leo's lives one day when they got home from the Durham Fair.  Their other cats were in the garage, hissing at something.  Turns out, they were hissing at a little black ball of fluff, not even the length of Neil's hand.  He started giving the little creature milk, and each night, the little guy would be waiting for Neil to give him some milk.  After a month or so, Neil and Leo gave him the name Scooter, because he "scooted" across the garage with lightening speed.
When Neil moved in here, he brought Scooter with him.  We had a kitten, Angel, who was confined to the house, as we had lost other cats in the past.  But Scooter was clearly an outdoor cat.  We tried to keep him in during a few weeks to adjust, but he clawed a neat little hole in a screen one warm evening to escape.  During vacation, my poor friend Lisa was cat sitting. On the third day, Scooter did not appear when Lisa came to fill their water and food dishes.  He had clawed a thin hole into the vinyl "accordion" panels of an air conditioner!  This was a true outdoor animal!
In the past few months, with Lizzie being so mobile, the vacuuming has increased around here about one hundred fold.  Scooter had a thick, luxurious coat, that at times resulted in heavy shedding on the carpet, and the bedspreads. He always shed AFTER Mommy had just vacuumed!  He "took over" our bed (but, in his generosity, would start in Erin's bed, warm it up for her, then sack out in the master bedroom!).  We always had to carefully adjust to give Scooter room, to warm our feet at night.  We'd fall asleep to his steady, content purring.  Life was good.  
Now, our lives are a little more empty without that big black kitty, greeting us in the driveway, looking for stratchies, waiting patiently for his milk, or other handout.  No more stepping around the big black panther, as he soaked in the sunbeams through the living room window.  As I vacuumed downstairs today, I remembered how annoyed I was when I saw big tufts of black fur on the carpet after Scooter and Angel would tussle.  What I would give to see a big clump of that soft fur on my carpet again....
Rest in Peace, Scooter.  You were a great kitty and a cherished family member.  We will love you always.

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