Saturday, October 4, 2008

Weasel Girl strikes Again....

Elizabeth has been dubbed "Weasel Girl".  Why?  She cons Mommy into getting up at night, give her a drink, then, puts BOTH of them to sleep!  It started when Weasel Girl was breastfeeding, Mommy would fall into a blissful sleep lying on the couch with Weasel Girl suckling, then, wake hours later, as Weasel Girl woke, ready for the next feed, and start the cycle again.  Then Weasel Girl weaned off the Mommy, sleeping through the night.  But, occasionally, she pulls the con again.  Like last night:
12:45 am: standing in crib, screaming bloody murder.  Since Big Sister Erin in NYC, Mommy settled in with W.G. (sorry, getting lazy, W.G. = Weasel Girl), pacifier in place, snuggled in Erin's bed.  W.G. passes out.  Mommy places her back in crib, within 5 seconds, W.G. on her feet.  We go downstairs, have a BaBa (translation=bottle).  W.G. passes out, Mommy able to place in crib at 1:30 or so (it's a blur).

5:30am: See 12:45.  Mommy goes straight the BaBa route.  W.G. passes out in 10 minutes.  Placed back in crib, screaming bloody murder in 10 seconds.  Mommy and W.G. retire to Erin's bed.  Mommy dozes, W.G. sleeps solidly until 6:50am.  Then we are up for the day.

How do I get suckered?  I'm a fool for a sweet little blonde head, nestling into my chest, the clean scent of her baby shampoo from last night' bath (as Frank Barrone said: "The Fountain of Youth! I'm suckin' in that youth!")  The serenity that only a baby can bring in a world of failing economies, war, family strife.  That's how Weasel Girl suckers me, a sleep jumkie.  The unconditional comfort of a child's love and warmth. I'm a junkie for that special time at night.

1 comment:

TommyMac71 said...

so when does Weasel Girl, or W.G., simply become known as, say, "W"????