Tuesday, February 3, 2009

9 pounds and counting!

The past few weeks have been tough.  Elizabeth and I battling a cold (Neil, too), we haven't seen Leo in a while, and the economy has taken it's toll on us. (I'm waiting for my first Matria paycheck!)  Usually, I deal with these things with ice cream, or fresh baked cookies.

However, I have lost NINE pounds! In four weeks!  Of course, this weigh in was Sunday morning, HOURS before the chips and dip came out!  I admit, I indulged, not too badly, but, all that rich dip upset my tummy.  Wow, I've really de-toxed myself!  So, even with all the depressing things going on, I work out 5 times a week, mostly here at home, as Lizzie's runy nose would be looked down upon if I went to drop her off at Childwatch at the Y.  Which is a good thing, as next month, we have to give up the YMCA for a few months, as it is one of the many things we are cutting out of the budget, until I'm making a steady salary.  Wish me luck...on all fronts!

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